Treatment for


Life presents many opportunities to feel depressed, whether from grief, failure, or other challenges. Depression itself isn’t inherently harmful; it’s the prolonged, unaddressed effects that cause damage. At Norum Psychology Clinic, we teach you not to avoid depression but to accept it and prevent it from controlling your life.
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How do I know if

I have depression?

Depression impacts your motivation, relationships and emotions. With understanding and the right treatment, you can prevent it from taking over.


You often feel hopeless and unmotivated

If you consistently feel hopeless or lack motivation, even for activities you once enjoyed, it could signal problematic depression. These feelings can significantly impair your ability to function and engage with life.


You struggle to invest time in other people

Depression naturally draws you inward, impacting all areas of your life, including social, personal, family, and work. Investing time in others may feel exhausting, so it’s important to monitor this aspect of your life closely.


You frequently take things personally

Chronic depression can heighten sensitivity to external cues, especially perceived judgment or criticism. If you find yourself frequently offended or taking things personally, it may be a hidden sign of depression manifesting as oversensitivity.

In Need of Immediate Help?

If you are experiencing ongoing abuse,
your safety is the top priority.

Don't wait – seek help immediately.

If you are in danger, call 911 now.

Emergency services are available to provide the support and protection you need. Your well-being is paramount, and taking this step can save your life.

How We Can Help

Learn how to manage depression, rebuild motivation, improve relationships and regain control over your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Depression

What is life like for someone with clinical depression?

Clinical depression is one of the most debilitating mental health disorders. It severely impairs your ability to engage in helpful activities and even think about ways to improve. This condition diminishes the meaning in your life, making even the smallest tasks feel incredibly difficult. Over time, it can lead to a pervasive sense that life is meaningless and void of purpose. The physical effort required for daily activities feels overwhelming, and the lack of energy, motivation, and drive creates a sensation of being stuck. You may become acutely aware of your body, especially the heaviness in your chest, often described as a “heavy heart.” These experiences are frequently associated with darker, heavier feelings and colors, mirroring the emotional weight and pressure you carry.

Can you lead a normal life with clinical depression?

The nature of depression makes it challenging to live a normal life, as it affects how you perceive yourself and others. Once clinical depression sets in, the concept of “normal” often loses its meaning. Daily activities shift from being routine to becoming exercises in survival or seeking the smallest amount of pleasure.

What Happens When Depression Isn’t Treated?

When left untreated, depression gradually erodes your sense of meaning and purpose in life, causing you to become increasingly inward-focused. You may lose relationships, struggle with motivation for even the simplest tasks, and over time, depression can make existence seem purposeless and meaningless, similar to the nihilistic view of life.

Is depression permanent?

Depression is a natural part of the human experience and can be essential for development and growth. However, if clinical depression persists without treatment, it can become semi-permanent. This is especially true if there are underlying chemical imbalances, which can make the condition more entrenched over time.

What causes depression?

Research shows that there is no single cause for clinical depression. Multiple factors contribute to its development, including heredity, genetics, culture, society, brain chemical imbalances, behaviors, substance use, addiction, trauma, epigenetics, abuse, poor upbringing, and worldview and beliefs. Each of these factors can play a role in triggering or exacerbating depression.

Are you born with depression?

You are not born with depression itself but may be born with traits, temperaments, or genetic and heritable factors that predispose you to developing clinical depression when exposed to certain environmental factors.

Our team of clinicians are highly skilled professionals dedicated to providing exceptional treatment